Sunday, August 31, 2014

Hey Guys~

Hey everyone~ :) Krispy here. 

So as you can probably tell, this blog is a bit... inactive. 
The reason for this is because Cherry and I have gone and made our own personal blogs.
It is just easier for us to pursue our own style of blogging on our own accord. 

Regretfully, we are unable to provide posts on both our personal blogs and here on our joint blog. 
It makes me a bit sad actually... but sometimes creative differences will make an end.
But we are all pursuing new things now! :) 
while lifestyles are changing, creative styles are too.

Follow Cherry's blog:
Follow my blog:
Nikki's Instagram: @luhanland 

But WAIT! 

Don't stop checking up here! 
The three of us will sometimes collar, and this is where you will get information on those.
We aren't killing this blog completely, this just isn't our main focus anymore.
Please understand <3 

Here's a treat: a picture from my new camera! :) 

We all still love you guys. This is where our creative paths took shape! 
We'll never forget it.
I just didn't want to leave this blog discontinued and unfinished.
The most painful part of change is not taking a chance to say goodbye. 

❤ I really do love you guys, and so do Nikki and Cherry. 
