Monday, April 14, 2014

Eric Nam - "Ooh Ooh" Review/Comments

Hi! I'm Cherry, and I've got a music-type post for you all today! In the title, it says that this will be a review/comments post, so let me explain exactly what I'll be doing. Instead of going through a whole review format, I decided I wanted to just be really casual when talking about this song. This post will therefore be a lot more like unorganized comments on the song and music video rather than an actual, objective review.

First off, Eric Nam is an awesome singer with a hilarious personality, so I think this song and style fit him perfectly! It was fun, catchy, silly, and all together a perfect representation of who he is, in my opinion.
If you've heard Eric's last title song, "Heaven's Door," you'll know that this song is very different. "Heaven's Door" is more ballad-like, with soft instrumentals, and an overall gentler feel. "Ooh Ooh" is more playful, with stronger instrumentals in the background. I can't quite compare the two songs, since they're just so different, but I think I like "Ooh Ooh" more, just because it's very fresh and enjoyable to listen to. It's so catchy that it's been stuck in my head for the past few days~
Another surprise with this comeback: Eric... is... dancing! Who would've known that the soloist who claims to be awful at dancing (as he says on After School Club every other week or so) would comeback with a fun and easy dance! I have to say, he danced pretty well considering it's his first time learning choreography for his song.
And can we just talk about how cute the music video was? The beginning was pretty hilarious, what with the Mickey Mouse boxers and struggle to pull on jeans. Don't forget about the constant changing of outfits! How many times did he have to change in one day? All of those suits and clothes were so colorful and rich with patterns, like a kaleidoscope. His music video was a jumble of fun and playfulness.
Honestly, I'm glad to be given a breath of fresh air. Eric's song is so new, and, compared to the recent Kpop comebacks, unique. He stands out very well, and I hope his promotions for this song go successfully!

Thanks for reading my brief post about Eric's latest song "Ooh Ooh." Hope you enjoyed reading it, and go check out Eric Nam's song! It'll have you singing "ooh ooh" all day, everyday :P

Monday, April 7, 2014


Hello! It's Cherry, and I have another sushi restaurant to tell you guys about~

So, barely five minutes away from where I live is a sushi restaurant called Yoshida. Whenever I'm in the mood for sushi, but don't feel like driving for more than ten minutes, I just head over and grab a quick bite.

I'm a huge fan of all types of sashimi! I first ordered a plate of yellowtail sashimi. Usually, I try to stick with the sashimi instead of the sushi, as I fill up super quickly if I eat the rice. The yellowtail tasted absolutely delicious, despite it being cut a bit thick. 

Next is the scallop carpaccio :) My parents ordered this and I was lucky enough to snag one piece to try! There are small slices of bell pepper on top of the scallop, and the sauce is just a combination of soy sauce and a bit of oil (not sure what kind). Without the sauce, I can imagine it would taste very plain (especially because you don't eat this dish with wasabi). With the sauce, it had a slightly salty flavor. The scallop itself was very soft and easy to chew. For those of you who haven't tried raw scallop, I suggest trying out a dish like this one.

Above is my all time favorite: sweet shrimp! Eaten raw, it's usually eaten like normal types of sashimi. It has a slightly chewy, interesting texture, and like its name suggests, is a tad bit sweet. When you order the sweet shrimp, you'll have the option of having fried shrimp head, or having the shrimp head put in a bowl of miso soup. I usually choose the soup, and this restaurant's miso soup is neither too salty nor too bland.

Last but not least is the spanish mackerel. This might just be my second favorite "sashimi." I used the quotes because it is lightly seared on the surface (as you can see). The spanish mackerel does not need to be eaten with wasabi, and there's a light ponzu sauce over it with chives and little slivers of garlic. Again, I love the unique texture of this dish and the fact that its flavor is quite different from other fish. However, this is one of those dishes where you either love it or you don't. Give it a try, regardless! You never know :)

I would have to say that the downside, though, is the wasabi. It's definitely not the freshest or best quality, and just kind of sits in lumps in your soy sauce. That doesn't make for a pleasant sauce.
Also, this was my first time going there for lunch, and the service seemed a bit lacking. Maybe it was because there were very few customers at the hour, but the waiters and waitresses lagged quite a bit, lazing around with the passing hours. They seemed a bit impatient for some reason, and expressed irritation whenever my parents asked for them to repeat something they'd mumbled. 
Usually, the service is terrific whenever I go to Yoshida for dinner, but lunch hours might just be a completely different story.

That's it for my sushi post (is this my first one?)! Go and check out Yoshida for a nice sushi dinner~ Thank you guys for reading, and I'll see you all again soon!

Sunday, April 6, 2014

Mini Makeup Review!

Hey Everyone! :D 
Krispy here, and i'm back with a Mini Makeup Haul/Review post :)
(All photos taken, edited, and cropped by me.)

Many of these products are slightly expensive, so i promise next time i'll do a review of variety. ^^ 

So, I've always had a thing for makeup. What does that mean? I'm not too sure. Something about all the different types, colors, and styles just appeals to me. As does fashion.
(Side Note: Expect a lot of fashion/beauty related posts from my in the future.)

Although I am in NO WAY a professional, i can give my honest opinions and I hope that's enough for somebody.

The following products are different items that I recently bought to test out and try.
Some I loved,  and some I was a bit iffy about. Bear with me, yeah?

First, benefit's 'BIG EASY' powder foundation.

I purchased this at a Sephora down in downtown Disney, (the happiest place on Earth.)
I believe this product is usually available at many cosmetic stores, including Nordstrom's Cosmetic Section, Sephora, benefit stores, and etc.
PRICE: $38.00 USD. 
Do I think the price was worth it?: I suppose so, yes. $38 is pretty steep in my book, but this product offers a lot of benefits (hahah), and is multi-purposed, which I find nice. Would I buy it again? I'm not sure.

Here is the packaging: 

-It comes in a tube form, which makes it easy to squeeze out and apply. 
Clean, matte packaging, and benefit often has really cute packaging design. 
This "more than BB cream" has a nice powder, matte finish, and is pretty light to the touch. Not exactly a foundation, but has pretty good coverage. It has 35+ SPF Sun Protection, which is good, and this also explains why it has a fragrance that is similar to sun screen. 
I am wearing it now, and when I touch my face, it doesn't feel sticky at all. It has a very lightweight finish, and feels good to wear on days when foundation is just too heavy. 

PROS: I really like this foundation. It's light and easy to apply, comes out evenly, and it doesn't feel like I smacked my whole face into a cream pie when I have it on. I like how it has sun protection, and yet it is nicely tinted and has pretty decent coverage. If I wanted more coverage, I just layer it up with my brush. Good, easy packaging, and I actually have been using this since I got it. Takes over a year to expire, which is good. 
CONS:  Time to get critical. Although I liked this product in general, there were a few factors that made me not want to purchase it again. The finish is very thin, (even with the product being very creamy), and it is very difficult to cover up large blemish areas on the face. But I think that can be solved with concealer, of course. Another thing, the product doesn't come in very dark shades. The darkest it comes is deep beige, and I nearly couldn't buy it because I was only one shade up, beige. (I got more tan in the past two weeks.) It comes in much lighter colors, however, so if you are with fair skin, it shouldn't be too difficult to find a matching color. (lightest color is fair.

OVERALL: I like it! I would buy it again, yes, and hopefully the next time the price is lowered. I would recommend that if any of you want to try this product or already have it, that you wash your face and apply a light layer of moisturizer beforehand. This will give good protection for the skin, and also prevents the foundation, (if it could), from sliding or slipping, Powder isn't really needed, but is always an option. The product does wipe off with paper or water. 
I think this foundation is great for a day out in the summer, for swimming or basically any events outdoors. The SPF protection will protect skin quality, and if you burn easy, this would be good for you. 

Buy it if you want! I'm gonna be wearing it for a while ;) 

Next Product: SEPHORA's 'Airbrush Minerals' foundation brush. 
As you can tell, this is a sephora based product!
I needed a new foundation applicator, and I thought to give it a try! 
PRICE: $34.00 USD 
I agree. Expensive freakin' brush, But you know what? I regret NOTHING. 
I am in LOVE with this brush, and we have spent less than a week together. c':

As you can see, the product comes wrapped and cased for the protection of the bristles. I like this a lot, because it keeps the bristles together, and I thought it was a pleasant change from the usual paper wrapping. Keeps the bristles from bending, and keeps the shape correct.

PROS: ALOT OF THINGS. Soft brush, easy application, and really does give that beautiful airbrush look. Evens out the tone of the foundation, no matter how thick or pigmented, and the handle of the brush is extremely long, which also gives precision and makes my job a whole lot easier. I really recommend this product, and i will for sure buy it again once this one is done with. I am leo looking to purchase the concealer brush from the same line. The packaging a pro, and i really do think everyone should have a foundation brush as great as this one. Good for application on sensitive skin, and will definitely even out excessive amounts of product. Can be used for any powder, liquid, and cream products,
CONS: Not very many. I'd say that I don't like how the tip of the bristles are bleached white, not because they affect the function but because they become stained by the products i use the brush for. This can also be a pro because you then can see where the product is or if you got any, but I find it a bit annoying. Petty things. Another con... can't really think of one. Thats how amazing this brush is!

OVERALL: I am lovin' this brush. Its beautiful, fierce, and I can't get over how affective it is. I had always used flat brushes to apply my foundations and bases, and they left strokes and uneven application. To be honest, I may never go back to those days!
The bristles are synthetic and extremely soft, and this is always better because the brush will last longer and will be easier to use.
( also, no animal cruelty is involved<3)

I highly recommend this product, to my friends and followers. Wow. 

Worth every penny. 

Lastly, I have the ETUDE HOUSE 'Aloha' V-Line Maker.

This was the worst of the three products i am showing. 
I wanted to buy it so i could try it to see if it would actually work, and regretfully, it's bullshit. 
I usually don't rag on Etude House products, because let's be honest they have AMAZING products, but I feel like this one was a bit ... dumb?

Lets start of with the packaging. It has cute packaging, as usual, but some pretty dumb things were shown in the instructions on the back. A girl with a LITERAL SQUARE FACE is shown frowning, and then it shows the application and then this same girl has a face that is no-joke shaped like the tip of a crayon. How unrealistic and stupid is that? 
On a side note, i found that design extremely dumb and gives unrealistic standards to people. But what more do we expect from South Korea? I don't want those of you who think you have "big faces" to buy this bullcrap product. You are beautiful, no matter what face-shape you have.
Foolishly, I fell for the trap and purchased this product, with the price at: $14.00 USD 

Something about this product just wasn't working for me. 
Keep in mind that it is different for everyone, and I am just one girl's opinion. 

Ok, let talk about packaging. 
I actually really like the packaging. Nice, slim, and durable casing, and it comes with a mirror for on-the-go touchups.

It comes in two different tones, Sun Gold/ Wood Brown, and Sun Pink/ Cherry Brown. Being tan, i chose option number one, which i would say is more suited for the darker skinned ladies out there. (You are all gorgeous too, by the way. Don't think otherwise.) 

PROS: I seem like i despise this product, but thats not the case. I just didn't like the packaging. Very demeaning, in my opinion. The highlighter edge is VERY shimmery, and is actually a very affective highlighting powered. You can use this to highlight the "T-Zone", which is the nose bridge, and the brow ridges, The product doesn't really have a fragrance, but has a slight scent to it that isn't strong at all, and this is a pro because it won't overpower any perfume or deodorant i may be wearing. 
CONS: The bronzer/brown is not very strong. For the fair-skinned, it shows up more on the skin, but for ladies with slightly deeper tones, it doesn't show up all that well. It doesn't exactly do what the examples say, unless you apply layer after layer, which will seriously result in a hot mess lookin' thing and you'll probably have blotches of weird brown around your face. (even if you are fair-skinned.) just.. the cons outweigh the pros for this bronzer/highlighter. 

My favorite part, however, is this tiny little applicator brush that came with the product. :) 

I think it is so cute, and although I don't really like the product, I love this little brush.
Look how cute it is! 

OVERALL: Don't fall for the examples on the back. That's a bunch of .. trash. It doesn't work that way, and it sucks that they would want to make a product like that. For you girls out there with rounder or more square-ish faces, don't be succumbed to this dumb product. Whatever your face shape is, you are gorgeous and beautiful, and you have no need for this. I love Etude House, but this is a basically useless product. 

That's all of it! ^^ 

Thanks for reading guys :) 
The three of us have been having some pretty weird days lately, so please bear with us if we don't post for a few days. We really try our hardest. This post took me 2 hours. q u q 

Also, do you like our new layout? :D It's beautiful, isn't it?

Thank you guys! New hauls and posts coming soon! 

        Krispy c: 

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Cherry's Favorite Quotes!

Hi loves! Today, I'm finally going to step away from food posts, music reviews, and haul posts :) I decided to share a few quotes that I love or try to live by. Maybe you'll be surprised and find one that you love as well! Hope you enjoy!

1. Be the first of yourself instead of trying to become the second of anyone else. -BoA Kwon
As someone who's never had much confidence in herself, this quote has really helped me step out of my comfort zone and try to create myself as someone I can be proud of. Individuality is what makes someone stand out, and I hope that I can one day be known as the first of myself, and not a recreation of someone else.

2. Do what you like and love what you do. -Yongguk Bang
Your life is yours, not anyone else's. If you like to do something, but others don't want you to, always remember that it's not going to affect their life if you do it; it's going to affect yours. And make sure that what you want to do is something you'll love to do. Think it through carefully; don't do something whilst in the simple moment of things without a second thought. Make sure you'll fall in love over and over again with what you decide to do (a bit like me and dance!).

3. To be strong is to understand weakness. To be weak is to have fears. To have fears is to have something precious to you. To have something precious to you is to be strong. -Tablo
This is quite a straightforward quote, and yet has such a deep, beautiful meaning behind it. One thing always leads to another in a circle. The first time I read this quote, it truly resonated deep within me, and I always remember it.

4. I wanna be the very best that no one ever was. -Pokémon Theme Song
That's right, I quoted Pokémon. Of course, you can take this as very humorous (I often do) and sing the tune in your head! However, it's a bit like the BoA quote up above, in terms of emphasizing individuality. It takes a step further, however, and gives that little push to give your all in everything you do!

5. All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them. -Walt Disney
The creator of our beloved Disneyland, Disney characters, and so on has quite a number of magical words he's left behind. The above quote urges everyone to have faith in themselves that their hopes and dreams can come true if they are willing to press forward and work for it.

6. Learn to love yourself first, otherwise, how will you love anyone else? -Unknown
I'm not quite sure if this is even the most exact version of the quote, but I always keep this close to my heart. If you can't love yourself, will you even know what love is? Will you even know how to love someone else? I'm still in the process of learning; many people are, and it's so rare for someone to love another at an early age. But it happens. This quote helps as motivation for me, to show me that someday, maybe I'll be able to accept myself for who I am. Then, perhaps a knight in shining armor (cheesy~) will come, and all he'll have to do is stand by my side with no need for that sword of his to swing away insecurities and self doubt. Learn to love who you are; your prince is bound to come soon after.

That's about it for this round of quotes :) If you guys liked it, maybe I'll make another quotes post ^^. Thanks so much for reading, and I hope to see you lovelies again next time~