Monday, April 14, 2014

Eric Nam - "Ooh Ooh" Review/Comments

Hi! I'm Cherry, and I've got a music-type post for you all today! In the title, it says that this will be a review/comments post, so let me explain exactly what I'll be doing. Instead of going through a whole review format, I decided I wanted to just be really casual when talking about this song. This post will therefore be a lot more like unorganized comments on the song and music video rather than an actual, objective review.

First off, Eric Nam is an awesome singer with a hilarious personality, so I think this song and style fit him perfectly! It was fun, catchy, silly, and all together a perfect representation of who he is, in my opinion.
If you've heard Eric's last title song, "Heaven's Door," you'll know that this song is very different. "Heaven's Door" is more ballad-like, with soft instrumentals, and an overall gentler feel. "Ooh Ooh" is more playful, with stronger instrumentals in the background. I can't quite compare the two songs, since they're just so different, but I think I like "Ooh Ooh" more, just because it's very fresh and enjoyable to listen to. It's so catchy that it's been stuck in my head for the past few days~
Another surprise with this comeback: Eric... is... dancing! Who would've known that the soloist who claims to be awful at dancing (as he says on After School Club every other week or so) would comeback with a fun and easy dance! I have to say, he danced pretty well considering it's his first time learning choreography for his song.
And can we just talk about how cute the music video was? The beginning was pretty hilarious, what with the Mickey Mouse boxers and struggle to pull on jeans. Don't forget about the constant changing of outfits! How many times did he have to change in one day? All of those suits and clothes were so colorful and rich with patterns, like a kaleidoscope. His music video was a jumble of fun and playfulness.
Honestly, I'm glad to be given a breath of fresh air. Eric's song is so new, and, compared to the recent Kpop comebacks, unique. He stands out very well, and I hope his promotions for this song go successfully!

Thanks for reading my brief post about Eric's latest song "Ooh Ooh." Hope you enjoyed reading it, and go check out Eric Nam's song! It'll have you singing "ooh ooh" all day, everyday :P

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