Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Cherry's Favorite Quotes!

Hi loves! Today, I'm finally going to step away from food posts, music reviews, and haul posts :) I decided to share a few quotes that I love or try to live by. Maybe you'll be surprised and find one that you love as well! Hope you enjoy!

1. Be the first of yourself instead of trying to become the second of anyone else. -BoA Kwon
As someone who's never had much confidence in herself, this quote has really helped me step out of my comfort zone and try to create myself as someone I can be proud of. Individuality is what makes someone stand out, and I hope that I can one day be known as the first of myself, and not a recreation of someone else.

2. Do what you like and love what you do. -Yongguk Bang
Your life is yours, not anyone else's. If you like to do something, but others don't want you to, always remember that it's not going to affect their life if you do it; it's going to affect yours. And make sure that what you want to do is something you'll love to do. Think it through carefully; don't do something whilst in the simple moment of things without a second thought. Make sure you'll fall in love over and over again with what you decide to do (a bit like me and dance!).

3. To be strong is to understand weakness. To be weak is to have fears. To have fears is to have something precious to you. To have something precious to you is to be strong. -Tablo
This is quite a straightforward quote, and yet has such a deep, beautiful meaning behind it. One thing always leads to another in a circle. The first time I read this quote, it truly resonated deep within me, and I always remember it.

4. I wanna be the very best that no one ever was. -Pokémon Theme Song
That's right, I quoted Pokémon. Of course, you can take this as very humorous (I often do) and sing the tune in your head! However, it's a bit like the BoA quote up above, in terms of emphasizing individuality. It takes a step further, however, and gives that little push to give your all in everything you do!

5. All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them. -Walt Disney
The creator of our beloved Disneyland, Disney characters, and so on has quite a number of magical words he's left behind. The above quote urges everyone to have faith in themselves that their hopes and dreams can come true if they are willing to press forward and work for it.

6. Learn to love yourself first, otherwise, how will you love anyone else? -Unknown
I'm not quite sure if this is even the most exact version of the quote, but I always keep this close to my heart. If you can't love yourself, will you even know what love is? Will you even know how to love someone else? I'm still in the process of learning; many people are, and it's so rare for someone to love another at an early age. But it happens. This quote helps as motivation for me, to show me that someday, maybe I'll be able to accept myself for who I am. Then, perhaps a knight in shining armor (cheesy~) will come, and all he'll have to do is stand by my side with no need for that sword of his to swing away insecurities and self doubt. Learn to love who you are; your prince is bound to come soon after.

That's about it for this round of quotes :) If you guys liked it, maybe I'll make another quotes post ^^. Thanks so much for reading, and I hope to see you lovelies again next time~

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