Friday, January 31, 2014

GOT7 Album and Music Video Review!

Hi, guys; it's Cherry!
So, if you guys are interested in the K-pop music scene, you might know that a boy group called GOT7 recently debuted with the album "Got It?" and have hit number one on various charts (including Billboard's Top World Albums)!
Today, I'll be offering my opinion on the six songs composing their debut album.
1. 2. 3. Come and get it! GOT7!

As you can probably tell, this is the first track of the album. Right off the bat, you can tell that they're going for a more hip-hop, electro style. This is definitely a turn from the average JYP song, if you know what I mean. Immediately, I thought this might've been a bit of a hardcore hip-hop song, with a rap intro. But after the rap, some pretty sweet vocals immediately switched the direction of the song. They added a nice touch and I have to say, even though the song is mostly composed of raps, I liked the vocal parts more. That's not to say, though, that the rap parts are bad. I thought they were pretty solid, though the English was a bit awkward at times (like at the beginning: "swagger like that"). And at some parts, it sounded like they were trying a bit too hard to get that "American swag."After I got over it, I found the rap catchy, and it matched the beat pretty well. If you just kind of ignore the English lyrics, it's a good intro song. Maybe not my favorite off the album, but definitely not one to over look.

Girls Girls Girls
This is the song that GOT7 is currently promoting on music shows (basically, it's their title song). Now, I won't go too far into detail since Krispy is going to make a post about the MV, but I'll give my two cents on this song. My first impression of this song wasn't very good. I mean, the synthesized voice pronounced "omona" incorrectly, and the English lyrics make the boys sound like overconfident players. The beat was cool and unique, and I liked their rapping (except Mark's English rap...), but I'm not sure whether my opinion would remain the same if I read the English translations of the song. However, if I ignore the English lyrics (like I did with "Hello"), I actually really like their vocal and rapping talents! They don't try to overshadow each other and seem to have fairly equal parts. Again, this isn't one of my favorite songs on the album, but hey, the boys are promoting it on music shows, so it kind of grew on me!

I Like You
Okay, this song definitely gave me the creeps the first time I listened to it. The voice in the back saying "nan niga choa" was the weirdest thing I could've heard in the dark hours of evening. But then... I fell utterly and completely in love with the rapping and singing. This is my favorite song in the album, despite the initial chills it gave me. There are some pretty fast parts that keep you upbeat, and then the chill bridge towards the end of the song that reels you in. There isn't any English in this song, but I didn't mind that at all (sometimes, it's better to leave out the English instead of forcing it in). None of the vocals seemed strained, and the vocalists hit those high notes strong! The rapping wasn't too fierce and fit the mood of the song perfectly. "I Like You" has several unique charms to it, and I definitely recommend this song!

Follow Me
As you all know, "Follow Me" is a song that GOT7 has performed various times live, along with their title song. The hip-hop feel has followed GOT7 into this song, but "Follow Me" has a more upbeat, less intense tone. The members all seem more playful with this song, and the rapping is a bit more "singsongy" in some parts. The rappers let themselves ride the beat smoothly and make up most of the song, as the vocalists contribute mostly to the chorus. For you guys out there who like a song with more rapping, this is the one for you (there's probably only one part that sounds like pure vocals). Even the chorus is a mix between singing and rapping, making it sound more coarse to fit with the rest of the song. The English rap lyrics were a bit of a let down for me because they were pretty arrogant like the lyrics in "Girls Girls Girls," but I feel as if this song definitely appealed to me more because of how it had a more lively and fun mood.

Like Oh
With a sharp drum beat leading into the second to last song on this album, this song is more vocal than the other songs in this album (excluding "Playground"). Seems as if the rappers get a break after "Follow Me" as the vocals take over a bit. "Like Oh" isn't as playful as "Follow Me," but has an upbeat tempo. This song sits in the pop category, deviating a bit from the hip-hop and just standing outside the ballad zone. With barely any raps, I have to say that this is where the album takes a turn and sheds the hip-hop feel, blending more into the usual JYP song style. If you aren't quite into the other songs, I'm sure you'll like this little change. This song, as well as "Playground," displays GOT7's ability to switch around the genres they work in. It's definitely not as drastic as going from hip-hop to R&B, but you can hear from their vocals that they'll be able to try out a variety of different styles in the future. If you're into the vocals more, check this song out!

Last but not least, we have the beautiful song, "Playground." Going even farther with a change of mood than "Like Oh," this song is more mellow, slow, and closer to a ballad. The vocalists really get to shine here (you can probably tell I'm a sucker for the singers)! This song has settled with a slower beat, easing you towards the end, and leaving you pleased with the album. I don't think anyone can dislike this last song! It takes a step back from the "player" attitudes displayed in the first few songs, and has the members sounding sweet as honey. The members show off their wide vocal ranges and talents, bringing their album to a nice close. In terms of listening order, listen to this one last so that you're left with their beautiful vocals! Without a doubt, "Playground" is my second favorite in this album!

That's the end of my review for GOT7's album, "Got It?"! Thanks for reading, and feel free to comment down below with your own opinions about the album. Now, I'll just pass the keyboard on to Krispy for her MV review~

*morphing sounds* 


HELLO. I'm Krispy, sent here to review GOT7's debut music video for their song, "Girls Girls Girls."
Ok, I'm going to be brutally honest and say that my first impression was a big ol' thumbs down. Don't kill me first, but I saw the song as kind of objectifying, and trust me, I am not a feminist. I mean, the title "Girls Girls Girls" kinda threw me off and I just pictured a young boy with promiscuously clad women all over him. (I can only be honest.)
So I watched the MV, and obviously my expectations were a little lower than usual, so I did like the MV. But as I kept watching it, I realized that there is no story line whatsoever.

Ok, so guys leave school, guys ride scooter things to secret underground club, guy drops round item, girl walks by, girls picks up said item, girl wonders if she should return said item, girl then decides to return said item, girl walks into innocent looking store, girl swipes an extremely slippery helmet, shelf opens, girl is surprised, gangster body guard girls standing around fence and boys and other swaggy teenagers dance, Bam Bam is throwing a basketball, girl walks in confused, boys start dancing, girls watches, no one ever gets said round item back.

Then the song and dance happen with occasional shots of the girl's amazed face, and then the music video ends.

Alright, so I sound much more sarcastic than I mean to be. I actually liked the MV, and these boys are extremely good looking and I would return their bracelet any day (whatever you want that to mean).

I thought the split screen effect was cool, and the dancing was entertaining, if anything. The flips were pretty great (although a bit out of place), and the way they sequenced the dance so that everyone had screen time was pretty clever and it helped the MV run smoothly.
If I was judging the song alone, I would say for a dance beat, it is a really good pump-up song, and I will be honest that I have myself broken into random song and dance of finger-twidling and "omonas" at very late hours in the day.
Overall, I do not think it is a very strong debut song, but I don't think it was a weak one, and I think it gave them enough push and popularity to gain fans and a face in the Kpop industry.
It is hard to become popular as rookies nowadays because so many have debuted in the past few years. But I believe that GOT7 has made a pretty good debut so far. I hope they can continue and become more successful~

(P.S. I love you, Mark. Let's meet up if you ever come to the 626.)

Please don't take this to heart if you are a GOT7 fan. I am only giving an unbiased opinion.
Thanks for reading!
Be sure to comment if you would like :)
-Cherry and Krispy

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