Sunday, January 26, 2014

Introducing: Admin Krispy :)

Hello Blogging World! :D
I am one of three admins, Krispy.

This blog is going to be random posts and pictures of our lives, which we would love to share with you :).
Not trying to say we lead particularly fascinating lives, but we have our moments.
We all have individual interests, as we are three different people, but we all share a common obsession with ASIAN things (not to sound illiterate).
Anime, manga, Korean music (especially omfg), Japanese music, Chinese music, food, etc.

We enjoy posting about these things on our Instagrams, so we decided maybe making a blog would be a fun way to share to a bigger audience.

I myself am obsessed with Chipotle, tea, hot pot, and dragons (you'll get it later).
My favorite types of music are ballad, rap, and R&B (in Korean).
I love Asian culture and everything about Asia makes me feel so at home and comfortable.

So.. there's my short intro :). Welcome to our blog! Be sure to come back for visits all the time;
we'd be glad to pour a cup of tea for you! ^^

Here's my daily tea cup :o It's a kitty, you see? haha x3 (I'm an avid milk tea fan mhmm).

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