Monday, January 27, 2014

Krispy's Food Posts

Alright! :D Kicking off the new blog is a post of my expertise: food!
Not just any food… HOT POT! :)

Yesterday, I went to my favorite restaurant in SoCal, Boiling Point.
Speciality: Hot Pot, Fluff Ice, and other foods (Taiwanese based I believe).

I really recommend this restaurant. Seriously, I could eat here everyday if I have to.


This is one of the different broths that you can choose from. I prefer the Taiwanese spicy flavor, (pictured) which is extremely spicy and is not recommended for *scoff* amateurs. X)
But really, the waiter literally warns you about the spice level omfg. 
(but it's so good what can I doooo)

For dessert, I ordered an ice cream macaron sandwich thing. 
It tastes a bit like a normal ice cream sandwich, just creamier and obviously the texture of the shell would be different. o w o 

Boiling Point also has some nice drink options. 
This is the almond milk tea (my cousin ordered it, not me).

Anyways, I would seriously recommend trying out this restaurant. 
Still Nikki and I's favorite place to talk and have a nice meal.
If you're ever in Socal, be sure to check it out! 

I hope you guys enjoyed my first blog post! >.< 