Sunday, August 31, 2014

Hey Guys~

Hey everyone~ :) Krispy here. 

So as you can probably tell, this blog is a bit... inactive. 
The reason for this is because Cherry and I have gone and made our own personal blogs.
It is just easier for us to pursue our own style of blogging on our own accord. 

Regretfully, we are unable to provide posts on both our personal blogs and here on our joint blog. 
It makes me a bit sad actually... but sometimes creative differences will make an end.
But we are all pursuing new things now! :) 
while lifestyles are changing, creative styles are too.

Follow Cherry's blog:
Follow my blog:
Nikki's Instagram: @luhanland 

But WAIT! 

Don't stop checking up here! 
The three of us will sometimes collar, and this is where you will get information on those.
We aren't killing this blog completely, this just isn't our main focus anymore.
Please understand <3 

Here's a treat: a picture from my new camera! :) 

We all still love you guys. This is where our creative paths took shape! 
We'll never forget it.
I just didn't want to leave this blog discontinued and unfinished.
The most painful part of change is not taking a chance to say goodbye. 

❤ I really do love you guys, and so do Nikki and Cherry. 


Monday, April 14, 2014

Eric Nam - "Ooh Ooh" Review/Comments

Hi! I'm Cherry, and I've got a music-type post for you all today! In the title, it says that this will be a review/comments post, so let me explain exactly what I'll be doing. Instead of going through a whole review format, I decided I wanted to just be really casual when talking about this song. This post will therefore be a lot more like unorganized comments on the song and music video rather than an actual, objective review.

First off, Eric Nam is an awesome singer with a hilarious personality, so I think this song and style fit him perfectly! It was fun, catchy, silly, and all together a perfect representation of who he is, in my opinion.
If you've heard Eric's last title song, "Heaven's Door," you'll know that this song is very different. "Heaven's Door" is more ballad-like, with soft instrumentals, and an overall gentler feel. "Ooh Ooh" is more playful, with stronger instrumentals in the background. I can't quite compare the two songs, since they're just so different, but I think I like "Ooh Ooh" more, just because it's very fresh and enjoyable to listen to. It's so catchy that it's been stuck in my head for the past few days~
Another surprise with this comeback: Eric... is... dancing! Who would've known that the soloist who claims to be awful at dancing (as he says on After School Club every other week or so) would comeback with a fun and easy dance! I have to say, he danced pretty well considering it's his first time learning choreography for his song.
And can we just talk about how cute the music video was? The beginning was pretty hilarious, what with the Mickey Mouse boxers and struggle to pull on jeans. Don't forget about the constant changing of outfits! How many times did he have to change in one day? All of those suits and clothes were so colorful and rich with patterns, like a kaleidoscope. His music video was a jumble of fun and playfulness.
Honestly, I'm glad to be given a breath of fresh air. Eric's song is so new, and, compared to the recent Kpop comebacks, unique. He stands out very well, and I hope his promotions for this song go successfully!

Thanks for reading my brief post about Eric's latest song "Ooh Ooh." Hope you enjoyed reading it, and go check out Eric Nam's song! It'll have you singing "ooh ooh" all day, everyday :P

Monday, April 7, 2014


Hello! It's Cherry, and I have another sushi restaurant to tell you guys about~

So, barely five minutes away from where I live is a sushi restaurant called Yoshida. Whenever I'm in the mood for sushi, but don't feel like driving for more than ten minutes, I just head over and grab a quick bite.

I'm a huge fan of all types of sashimi! I first ordered a plate of yellowtail sashimi. Usually, I try to stick with the sashimi instead of the sushi, as I fill up super quickly if I eat the rice. The yellowtail tasted absolutely delicious, despite it being cut a bit thick. 

Next is the scallop carpaccio :) My parents ordered this and I was lucky enough to snag one piece to try! There are small slices of bell pepper on top of the scallop, and the sauce is just a combination of soy sauce and a bit of oil (not sure what kind). Without the sauce, I can imagine it would taste very plain (especially because you don't eat this dish with wasabi). With the sauce, it had a slightly salty flavor. The scallop itself was very soft and easy to chew. For those of you who haven't tried raw scallop, I suggest trying out a dish like this one.

Above is my all time favorite: sweet shrimp! Eaten raw, it's usually eaten like normal types of sashimi. It has a slightly chewy, interesting texture, and like its name suggests, is a tad bit sweet. When you order the sweet shrimp, you'll have the option of having fried shrimp head, or having the shrimp head put in a bowl of miso soup. I usually choose the soup, and this restaurant's miso soup is neither too salty nor too bland.

Last but not least is the spanish mackerel. This might just be my second favorite "sashimi." I used the quotes because it is lightly seared on the surface (as you can see). The spanish mackerel does not need to be eaten with wasabi, and there's a light ponzu sauce over it with chives and little slivers of garlic. Again, I love the unique texture of this dish and the fact that its flavor is quite different from other fish. However, this is one of those dishes where you either love it or you don't. Give it a try, regardless! You never know :)

I would have to say that the downside, though, is the wasabi. It's definitely not the freshest or best quality, and just kind of sits in lumps in your soy sauce. That doesn't make for a pleasant sauce.
Also, this was my first time going there for lunch, and the service seemed a bit lacking. Maybe it was because there were very few customers at the hour, but the waiters and waitresses lagged quite a bit, lazing around with the passing hours. They seemed a bit impatient for some reason, and expressed irritation whenever my parents asked for them to repeat something they'd mumbled. 
Usually, the service is terrific whenever I go to Yoshida for dinner, but lunch hours might just be a completely different story.

That's it for my sushi post (is this my first one?)! Go and check out Yoshida for a nice sushi dinner~ Thank you guys for reading, and I'll see you all again soon!

Sunday, April 6, 2014

Mini Makeup Review!

Hey Everyone! :D 
Krispy here, and i'm back with a Mini Makeup Haul/Review post :)
(All photos taken, edited, and cropped by me.)

Many of these products are slightly expensive, so i promise next time i'll do a review of variety. ^^ 

So, I've always had a thing for makeup. What does that mean? I'm not too sure. Something about all the different types, colors, and styles just appeals to me. As does fashion.
(Side Note: Expect a lot of fashion/beauty related posts from my in the future.)

Although I am in NO WAY a professional, i can give my honest opinions and I hope that's enough for somebody.

The following products are different items that I recently bought to test out and try.
Some I loved,  and some I was a bit iffy about. Bear with me, yeah?

First, benefit's 'BIG EASY' powder foundation.

I purchased this at a Sephora down in downtown Disney, (the happiest place on Earth.)
I believe this product is usually available at many cosmetic stores, including Nordstrom's Cosmetic Section, Sephora, benefit stores, and etc.
PRICE: $38.00 USD. 
Do I think the price was worth it?: I suppose so, yes. $38 is pretty steep in my book, but this product offers a lot of benefits (hahah), and is multi-purposed, which I find nice. Would I buy it again? I'm not sure.

Here is the packaging: 

-It comes in a tube form, which makes it easy to squeeze out and apply. 
Clean, matte packaging, and benefit often has really cute packaging design. 
This "more than BB cream" has a nice powder, matte finish, and is pretty light to the touch. Not exactly a foundation, but has pretty good coverage. It has 35+ SPF Sun Protection, which is good, and this also explains why it has a fragrance that is similar to sun screen. 
I am wearing it now, and when I touch my face, it doesn't feel sticky at all. It has a very lightweight finish, and feels good to wear on days when foundation is just too heavy. 

PROS: I really like this foundation. It's light and easy to apply, comes out evenly, and it doesn't feel like I smacked my whole face into a cream pie when I have it on. I like how it has sun protection, and yet it is nicely tinted and has pretty decent coverage. If I wanted more coverage, I just layer it up with my brush. Good, easy packaging, and I actually have been using this since I got it. Takes over a year to expire, which is good. 
CONS:  Time to get critical. Although I liked this product in general, there were a few factors that made me not want to purchase it again. The finish is very thin, (even with the product being very creamy), and it is very difficult to cover up large blemish areas on the face. But I think that can be solved with concealer, of course. Another thing, the product doesn't come in very dark shades. The darkest it comes is deep beige, and I nearly couldn't buy it because I was only one shade up, beige. (I got more tan in the past two weeks.) It comes in much lighter colors, however, so if you are with fair skin, it shouldn't be too difficult to find a matching color. (lightest color is fair.

OVERALL: I like it! I would buy it again, yes, and hopefully the next time the price is lowered. I would recommend that if any of you want to try this product or already have it, that you wash your face and apply a light layer of moisturizer beforehand. This will give good protection for the skin, and also prevents the foundation, (if it could), from sliding or slipping, Powder isn't really needed, but is always an option. The product does wipe off with paper or water. 
I think this foundation is great for a day out in the summer, for swimming or basically any events outdoors. The SPF protection will protect skin quality, and if you burn easy, this would be good for you. 

Buy it if you want! I'm gonna be wearing it for a while ;) 

Next Product: SEPHORA's 'Airbrush Minerals' foundation brush. 
As you can tell, this is a sephora based product!
I needed a new foundation applicator, and I thought to give it a try! 
PRICE: $34.00 USD 
I agree. Expensive freakin' brush, But you know what? I regret NOTHING. 
I am in LOVE with this brush, and we have spent less than a week together. c':

As you can see, the product comes wrapped and cased for the protection of the bristles. I like this a lot, because it keeps the bristles together, and I thought it was a pleasant change from the usual paper wrapping. Keeps the bristles from bending, and keeps the shape correct.

PROS: ALOT OF THINGS. Soft brush, easy application, and really does give that beautiful airbrush look. Evens out the tone of the foundation, no matter how thick or pigmented, and the handle of the brush is extremely long, which also gives precision and makes my job a whole lot easier. I really recommend this product, and i will for sure buy it again once this one is done with. I am leo looking to purchase the concealer brush from the same line. The packaging a pro, and i really do think everyone should have a foundation brush as great as this one. Good for application on sensitive skin, and will definitely even out excessive amounts of product. Can be used for any powder, liquid, and cream products,
CONS: Not very many. I'd say that I don't like how the tip of the bristles are bleached white, not because they affect the function but because they become stained by the products i use the brush for. This can also be a pro because you then can see where the product is or if you got any, but I find it a bit annoying. Petty things. Another con... can't really think of one. Thats how amazing this brush is!

OVERALL: I am lovin' this brush. Its beautiful, fierce, and I can't get over how affective it is. I had always used flat brushes to apply my foundations and bases, and they left strokes and uneven application. To be honest, I may never go back to those days!
The bristles are synthetic and extremely soft, and this is always better because the brush will last longer and will be easier to use.
( also, no animal cruelty is involved<3)

I highly recommend this product, to my friends and followers. Wow. 

Worth every penny. 

Lastly, I have the ETUDE HOUSE 'Aloha' V-Line Maker.

This was the worst of the three products i am showing. 
I wanted to buy it so i could try it to see if it would actually work, and regretfully, it's bullshit. 
I usually don't rag on Etude House products, because let's be honest they have AMAZING products, but I feel like this one was a bit ... dumb?

Lets start of with the packaging. It has cute packaging, as usual, but some pretty dumb things were shown in the instructions on the back. A girl with a LITERAL SQUARE FACE is shown frowning, and then it shows the application and then this same girl has a face that is no-joke shaped like the tip of a crayon. How unrealistic and stupid is that? 
On a side note, i found that design extremely dumb and gives unrealistic standards to people. But what more do we expect from South Korea? I don't want those of you who think you have "big faces" to buy this bullcrap product. You are beautiful, no matter what face-shape you have.
Foolishly, I fell for the trap and purchased this product, with the price at: $14.00 USD 

Something about this product just wasn't working for me. 
Keep in mind that it is different for everyone, and I am just one girl's opinion. 

Ok, let talk about packaging. 
I actually really like the packaging. Nice, slim, and durable casing, and it comes with a mirror for on-the-go touchups.

It comes in two different tones, Sun Gold/ Wood Brown, and Sun Pink/ Cherry Brown. Being tan, i chose option number one, which i would say is more suited for the darker skinned ladies out there. (You are all gorgeous too, by the way. Don't think otherwise.) 

PROS: I seem like i despise this product, but thats not the case. I just didn't like the packaging. Very demeaning, in my opinion. The highlighter edge is VERY shimmery, and is actually a very affective highlighting powered. You can use this to highlight the "T-Zone", which is the nose bridge, and the brow ridges, The product doesn't really have a fragrance, but has a slight scent to it that isn't strong at all, and this is a pro because it won't overpower any perfume or deodorant i may be wearing. 
CONS: The bronzer/brown is not very strong. For the fair-skinned, it shows up more on the skin, but for ladies with slightly deeper tones, it doesn't show up all that well. It doesn't exactly do what the examples say, unless you apply layer after layer, which will seriously result in a hot mess lookin' thing and you'll probably have blotches of weird brown around your face. (even if you are fair-skinned.) just.. the cons outweigh the pros for this bronzer/highlighter. 

My favorite part, however, is this tiny little applicator brush that came with the product. :) 

I think it is so cute, and although I don't really like the product, I love this little brush.
Look how cute it is! 

OVERALL: Don't fall for the examples on the back. That's a bunch of .. trash. It doesn't work that way, and it sucks that they would want to make a product like that. For you girls out there with rounder or more square-ish faces, don't be succumbed to this dumb product. Whatever your face shape is, you are gorgeous and beautiful, and you have no need for this. I love Etude House, but this is a basically useless product. 

That's all of it! ^^ 

Thanks for reading guys :) 
The three of us have been having some pretty weird days lately, so please bear with us if we don't post for a few days. We really try our hardest. This post took me 2 hours. q u q 

Also, do you like our new layout? :D It's beautiful, isn't it?

Thank you guys! New hauls and posts coming soon! 

        Krispy c: 

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Cherry's Favorite Quotes!

Hi loves! Today, I'm finally going to step away from food posts, music reviews, and haul posts :) I decided to share a few quotes that I love or try to live by. Maybe you'll be surprised and find one that you love as well! Hope you enjoy!

1. Be the first of yourself instead of trying to become the second of anyone else. -BoA Kwon
As someone who's never had much confidence in herself, this quote has really helped me step out of my comfort zone and try to create myself as someone I can be proud of. Individuality is what makes someone stand out, and I hope that I can one day be known as the first of myself, and not a recreation of someone else.

2. Do what you like and love what you do. -Yongguk Bang
Your life is yours, not anyone else's. If you like to do something, but others don't want you to, always remember that it's not going to affect their life if you do it; it's going to affect yours. And make sure that what you want to do is something you'll love to do. Think it through carefully; don't do something whilst in the simple moment of things without a second thought. Make sure you'll fall in love over and over again with what you decide to do (a bit like me and dance!).

3. To be strong is to understand weakness. To be weak is to have fears. To have fears is to have something precious to you. To have something precious to you is to be strong. -Tablo
This is quite a straightforward quote, and yet has such a deep, beautiful meaning behind it. One thing always leads to another in a circle. The first time I read this quote, it truly resonated deep within me, and I always remember it.

4. I wanna be the very best that no one ever was. -Pokémon Theme Song
That's right, I quoted Pokémon. Of course, you can take this as very humorous (I often do) and sing the tune in your head! However, it's a bit like the BoA quote up above, in terms of emphasizing individuality. It takes a step further, however, and gives that little push to give your all in everything you do!

5. All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them. -Walt Disney
The creator of our beloved Disneyland, Disney characters, and so on has quite a number of magical words he's left behind. The above quote urges everyone to have faith in themselves that their hopes and dreams can come true if they are willing to press forward and work for it.

6. Learn to love yourself first, otherwise, how will you love anyone else? -Unknown
I'm not quite sure if this is even the most exact version of the quote, but I always keep this close to my heart. If you can't love yourself, will you even know what love is? Will you even know how to love someone else? I'm still in the process of learning; many people are, and it's so rare for someone to love another at an early age. But it happens. This quote helps as motivation for me, to show me that someday, maybe I'll be able to accept myself for who I am. Then, perhaps a knight in shining armor (cheesy~) will come, and all he'll have to do is stand by my side with no need for that sword of his to swing away insecurities and self doubt. Learn to love who you are; your prince is bound to come soon after.

That's about it for this round of quotes :) If you guys liked it, maybe I'll make another quotes post ^^. Thanks so much for reading, and I hope to see you lovelies again next time~

Sunday, March 30, 2014

Royce' Chocolate

It's Cherry, and I'm back again with another post this week! Hoping to make up for lost time, so here's a lovely post about a chocolate shop I was introduced to about a year ago in NYC called Royce' Chocolate!
Founded in Japan, this chocolate store is infamous for their world class chocolates and their best selling Nama chocolates. The only locations are in Japan, Singapore, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Thailand, Philippines, Brunei, Indonesia, Taiwan, and U.S.A. (only in New York)! They do not ship, which makes their chocolates even harder to obtain, but once you buy a box, you'll be begging for more!
My first time visiting was last year in the summer when I visited Columbia University. My aunt told my mother and me about it (specifically the maccha Nama chocolates), so we just had to visit. We bought two boxes of Nama chocolates (maccha and champagne), maccha chocolate covered almonds, and a box of chips covered with white chocolate (way more delicious than it sounds). We were then given a free box of maccha chocolates as a promotional gift!
Ever since then, I'd been craving for their out of this world sweets, and got a chance to buy more when I visited NYC to see some colleges this trip! I hit the chocolate store, bought two boxes of maccha chocolate, a box of dark chocolate covered chips, and got a free box of maccha chocolates (which I plan to give to my aunt who originally recommended this store).

Here are some pictures:

Above are the maccha (spelled this way on their website and in the store) Nama chocolates. If you love matcha desserts and sweets as much as I do, then you'll absolutely fall in love with these chocolates! In general, the Nama chocolates just melt in your mouth and have a taste that can't be replicated anywhere else! If you never thought you'd fall in love with chocolate, then you will once you give these a try.

These are the chocolate covered chips. I got the slightly bitter ones to try out (as I'm a fan of dark chocolate). The balance between salty and sweet, crunchy and soft is perfect and is a great, rare snack to have every once in a while. 

The shop itself is very small, but needs not be any bigger! It perfectly holds their variety of chocolate confections which range from the normal chocolate bars to biscuits covered in rich chocolate and filled with yummy jelly. Whenever you get a chance to visit one of their shops, definitely pick up at least one box of their Nama chocolates, or a chocolate bar. 

Here is the link to their website in case you wanted to check out some of their products:

Thank you guys so much for reading this post! Hope you discovered something new and something you'd be willing to check out. I'll see you all next time!

New Blog Layout!

Hey guys! ^^ It's Krispy here, and you may have noticed, but the blog layout has changed!

I wasn't too fond of our old, plain and boring layout, so I twisted it up.

Although the layout isn't set in stone, and we're looking for a custom layout, we hope this won't be a bad default as we make bigger decisions. :) I really liked the floral print, and the template for the layout was decent enough.
The new fonts are more casual and fitting to our theme, and I'm hoping to maybe start organizing how our blog is setup.
Even after a tiny semi-hiatus, we are back and ready to take this blog to the top!

So here's to clarify:

- We will all post at least once a week (unless we make certain announcements).
- We post a lot of food, fashion, beauty, and Asian lifestyle things. If you don't like it, don't follow us.
- We are all different people, so therefore, all of our posts will be different as they reflect our personalities.
- You are allowed to comment and make requests/suggestions as you please.
- Follow if you can, you don't have to.
- Not all things will be positive. I am a bit of a critic.

So that's all the things I have so far.

Vlogs may come in here and there.

Also, be sure to subscribe or follow because I know a lot of you guys read this blog, and don't bother to follow or give us a share.
We love posting for you guys, but we need to know that our effort is reaching somebody.

Thanks guys! We love you from the bottom of our hearts. :)

Saturday, March 29, 2014

Serendipity 3

Hey guys! It's been two weeks since my last post (not including the music review)! I am so sorry for the lack of posts lately. Two weeks ago, I was bombarded with tons of homework, massive papers, tests, etc. Then this past week, I was out of town (on an east coast college tour), and had no access to a laptop, so I couldn't post! But, this week, I'll be shooting out a number of different posts (many of which will be about food). Today is no different as I'll be posting about a little restaurant/cafe called Serendipity 3!

On my east coast trip, I was introduced to this charming little place first in New York, then in D.C. First off, I loved the food! It was absolutely spectacular, and I'll be elaborating on the quality later. However, there was a significant difference in the service I got! And that's something I'll be covering as well, comparing and contrasting the two different locations.

New York City 

Above is a picture of the cover of the cute menu! There's a description about the store (though I didn't read it too far into detail as I was in a rush), along with some charming pictures to illustrate it. The font definitely suits the theme of the restaurant, very whimsical and curly. It has kind of an Alice in Wonderland feel, silly and fun!

The decor around the entire cafe (the NYC one was two floors) was adorable! There were dessert sculptures, playful chandeliers (the above is just one example), a white winding staircase, and odd pictures and designs decorating the walls, etc. I believe there was also a little shop at the entrance of the store where they sold interesting trinkets and such.

I had already eaten dinner earlier with my friends, so we just decided to hit the famous desserts! Right above is the Forbidden Broadway Sundae. It basically consists of vanilla ice cream, brownies, chocolate fudge, and that huge mountain of whipped cream (which I subtly and definitely not very elegantly plopped off to the side). When you come to this restaurant, you will quickly discover how huge the servings are! I shared this with one friend and just barely ate half of the dish! Bring two more people with you and just order one dessert, because it's more than enough.
Despite the size of the dish, I loved it! I'm a fan of chocolate and this curbed my craving for chocolate that I'd had throughout my trip. The warm brownie was complimented by the cold ice cream and made for an absolutely brilliant dessert! But, if you don't like chocolate that much, I wouldn't suggest getting this, as it is definitely way more chocolate than even a chocolate lover could consume in one sitting.

Next is the three scoop ice cream! My other friend, who isn't much of a chocolate fan, ordered a classic sundae with two scoops of vanilla and one of strawberry, with caramel drizzled (more like poured) over the ice cream. I only tried a scoop of the vanilla (which tasted similar to the one in my own dessert), but from what my friend said, it was the best strawberry ice cream she'd ever had! There was a huge mountain of whipped cream as well, but that fell off just as the waiter brought it to us... just goes to show how whipped cream might be just a tad bit bad for you :P Regardless, it looked delicious, my friend said that was an understatement, and therefore, I conclude that this restaurant can make even the most simple sundae taste marvelous!

Last, but oh dear it cannot even be considered the least, is the Frrrozen Hot Chocolate (yes, there are that many "r"s)! Serendipity 3 is infamous for their amazing iced hot chocolate, and so we just had to order one! It's basically exactly like a hot chocolate, except for the, well, tiny little ice chips inside and the huge mountain of chocolate powder and whipped cream. For those of you who do not like milk shakes, I wouldn't suggest this drink. However, for those of you who are okay with a slightly watered down version, try it out! My friends and I unanimously agreed that it was a terrific dish, and worthy of its fame. Even my friend who didn't like chocolate said it was perfect! Even though it sounds weird (ice in hot chocolate?), it tastes way better than you could imagine. Please, if you ever go to Serendipity 3, go try it out!

Service in NYC
Right upon our arrival, despite how busy it was in the store, a waiter immediately walked up to us, welcomed us, and asked how big of a table we needed with a huge smile on his face. And somehow, with all of the chaos and number of customers there were, we were seated easily and immediately with menus and chairs pulled out for us. As we were looking over the menu, a waiter came to ask if we were ready. We could tell he was a bit rushed, but he smiled as well, and even when we said we needed more time, he simply nodded and told us to take all the time we needed. All of the employees were pleasant, patient, and kind. It was like one of those imaginary cafes you see on television or in animes. The waiters and waitresses were all dressed either in simple, all black ensembles or in rather casual, but neat outfits, very put together. The whole visit was smooth sailing, and we weren't neglected at all! They all really knew how to manage their time and divide their attention well. Giving them five out of five!

Washington D.C.

First, I actually came to this one to have dinner! And since I was in a rush yet again, had no time for a proper dessert from Serendipity 3, so settled with a yummy milkshake! This one was the Oreo Express Milk Shake and tasted great! The presentation isn't quite as it was at the one in NYC, but the taste made up for it. The whipped cream was a bit of a hassle taking out, but really, no big deal. The milk shake was very thick in consistency (a plus on my part), and wasn't too sweet! 

I then ordered the Crab Cake Salad for my meal. The crab wasn't necessarily fresh, but wasn't bad either, just in between. I'd have to say that this wasn't the best dish I've tried, but it was fairly decent. Can't say much about a salad, but I'd give it maybe a three out of five!

Now, for the aesthetic appeal of the restaurant, I'd have to say it had a long way before catching up to the one in NYC. It was definitely bigger in this location, but looked a bit like an old diner. It also wasn't as busy, and I'll get to the possible reason later. The decor was lacking a bit, as there weren't an whimsical decorations or interesting designs. It was a bit plain compared to the one in NYC.

Service in D.C.
Oh, the service. Let me tell you something: this is probably why people don't seem to be visiting this location. First off, it was such a hassle to tell them just how many people were in my group. We walked in with two other groups, and the waiter kept on diverting his attention from one group to the other, unnecessarily confusing himself. He then took a party that came in way later than my group did, and seated my group last (and we were shoved into a booth in the back of the restaurant near the kitchen). And like I said before, there weren't that many people there. However, the waiter made it seem as if he were in a rush and couldn't handle simply taking the time to grab some menus and lead us to our table. It took thirty minutes for another waiter to come and take our order, despite the fact that there were barely five other groups in the restaurant. Then, another twenty to thirty minutes passed before we even got our food. Perhaps it was just because I was in a rush, but I was way too impatient at the moment. Our food arrived, and we then realized that two orders were wrong. The waiter compensated with fries, but didn't bother to change the incorrect orders. Now I'll be skipping to the very end of the meal, when we asked for split checks. He looked at us for a good thirty seconds before saying that it would take way too long to print out separate checks. We all were a bit fed up but agreed to just use one check and use different forms of payment by writing who was paying for what on the back of the check (as he instructed us). We did so and afterwards, he said we did it wrong and then just said he would print out separate checks for us (which took a measly minute). Let's just say he received barely any tips that night. Won't bother with a rating.

Well, that was basically my experience with the two locations! My conclusion: go to the one in NYC, skip the one in D.C. If you do that, you won't regret your visit :)!

And that concludes my first post in two weeks! Hope you guys enjoyed my review of the two locations and visit Serendipity 3 (at least to get their Frrrozen Hot Chocolate)! Bring a couple of friends, or you'll be stuffed to the brim with no room to even sip water! Thanks so much for reading my post, and I'll see you guys very soon with another post~

Yesstyle's "Pink Surprise" Giveaway Haul!

Hey guys, its Krispy!
I recently had the luck to win a giveaway, hosted by Yesstyle -- a store/webstore that sells clothes and different beauty products from all over Asia. Its great! 

I won their recent "Pink Surprise" giveaway with Etude House, my favorite brand of all time.
They sell makeup and beauty products, all my favorite things!
Anyways, this is what I got in my little package, and I hope you can enjoy this! ^^
1.) SECRET album


I was happy to see this cute little album in my package. Although I'm not a fan, this would be a fun addition to a future giveaway! :) 
Probably not going to listen to the CD, so watch out for a future contest! ^^*

2. Awesome headband of cuteness.

Hands down my favorite thing from this whole package.

I got a cute headband with a bow on it, and its the type where you wear it to keep the hair away to wash your face. (I have an immense attraction to things with big fluffy bows.)
It is so cute. I am going to be using this every night shamelessly. I am going to replace my old, boring black headband with this overwhelmingly kawaii one. :) 

3. Yellow nailpolish (from Etude House.)

Straight off: not a fan of the color.
Of all the colors in the rainbow, I get this one.
Yes, I am a bit bitter about it.
My skin already has such a yellow pigment that I could never wear this color, nor do I find it attractive at all.
May sell; anyone interested? (Or like the color?)

Anyways, not a fan.

4. Etude House box full of wipes.

You could imagine how excited I was too see this box. It has Etude House's logo on it, and I was expecting something fun.
But I got a box of wipes.
A literal
of wipes.

Thats all nice, but this giveaway is turning out to be some sort of spring cleaning for the store to get rid of some unwanted or low value products (minus the album of course).
It doesn't exactly balance out too well.

All in all, a cool win.
I hope you enjoyed this haul.
See you later! :D


Asian Superstitions

These superstitions come from Eastern Asia (because if I did all of Asia there would be too many superstitions to cover), so it's mainly Chinese, Korean, and Japanese. I guess if you're a really dedicated Asian, you can keep all of these in mind. xD

1.) If a baby starts crying randomly, watch out for ghosts! (Well, I guess you can't, but...)

2.) Don't clip your nails at night! (Applies to all >.<)

3.) Don't whistle at night (and this goes for Chinese, Japanese, and Korean).

4.) 4 is bad...

5.) Never write your name in red.

6.) Never gift shoes.

7.) If you don't want to turn into a cow, don't lie down after a meal :3.

8.) The luckiest Chinese number is 8!

9.) In order to cure your flu, someone else has to procure it from you.

10.) You can't marry someone with the same surname as you! (Sucks -.-".)

11.) It's unlucky to greet someone in their bedroom.

12.) Don't shake your legs.

13.) The child must eat the last piece of food when an adult and a child are eating together or they'll die.

14.) Don't pee on a worm (lol).

15.) Never jump over a baby :P.

16.) Growing a mustache is bad luck.

17.) Never point at the moon.

18.) Don't keep a turtle as a pet.

19.) Always wear your new shoes in the morning and only in the morning.

20.) Finish all your rice!

21.) Leaving a fan on all night is bad luck!

22.) Don't talk or follow anyone in your dreams that is already dead.

23.) Don't talk about bad dreams before noon.

24.) Don't talk back to someone talking in their sleep.

25.) One sneeze means someones talking well about you. Two sneezes mean that someones talking bad about you. Someone loves you if you sneeze three times, and if you sneeze four times, you have a cold.

26.) If a child loses his/her tooth, you have to toss it to the roof (saw this in Scandal).

27.) Say you take a picture with two other people. Don't stand in the middle cause you will die first.

28.) If the first person you meet on any day is a woman, you'll have good luck! ^^

Credits to all the websites I used! Sorry; I used so many that I forgot to cite them all...


Thursday, March 27, 2014

TRY [Posts From Krispy]

Hello everyone! ^^ Krispy here.

Foreword: So, here's a post pertaining to what's been going on lately.
Obviously, I haven't been posting lately, and I feel really bad for leaving Cherry to handle everything.
Nikki has also been busy, and it's difficult to dedicate.
But I've been inspired to try.

I realize that trying is the basis of all success.
This means that I can't just be successful. Working for it is the only way to achieve it.
I almost gave up on this blog because it was so much work, and we weren't getting any feed or followers, and I didn't understand what I was doing this for.
But I realized that all the people who blog, post on youtube, they all worked for it. They are all trying, and they didn't just poof into the business, and didn't just become popular overnight.
It's difficult to keep trying, but it is sure as hell possible.

So this is what the post is about: trying.
Trying everything.
New things,
old things,

Maybe not drugs or alcohol, or anything dangerous of the sort, but I mean trying things that you would not usually think about trying!
Be brave, be persistent. Life is about exploration and trying new things. Sometimes, we become so afraid to try because we feel as if we are going to fail. It sucks that something in your head can control what you do in life. You don't know if you're missing something that you could do, or missing an opportunity that would have changed your life. Don't be afraid! Being afraid will never get us anywhere.

Story time: Krispy is about to reveal a thing or two about herself. But it's a secret between us, alright?

I suffer with anxiety issues. To explain this simply, I have random panic attacks and immense constant fear for nearly everything. This does not mean that I am a hermit, and I don't lock myself in my room, but it definitely affects my social life. I am constantly aware of how I look, how other people look, how people react to me, and just everything that happens. It's a pain in the ass, honestly.
And a lot of people suffer with this as well. Anxiety is in everyone, just different levels for different people. After struggling with the side effects of these attacks for years, I decided to stop. Well, I can't just stop, but it all starts from me. The finish line is close, yet far. It just depends on how fast I am willing to run.
So how has anxiety affected me?
Anxiety has affected my decisions. Decisions that range from little things to huge things. I am always all over the place, conflicted within myself and weighing the pros and cons in my head. It is a really big pain to live with, and even seeing help, it still affects me. After countless nights of no sleep because my stomach is brewing with nervousness, or days of panic attacks that just hit me like a brick and kill me for a couple minutes, I was over it. I did not like living with this dumb illness, and I wasted to break it. Of course it isn't so simple, but I started at the beginning, and I started with a slow walk. I took it step by step, and I proceeded forward, wary and wondering who is behind me. After a while, it turned into a slow jog, less wary, but still nervous about the fog around me. Where is the finish line? Couldn't be seen at that point, but it's there, and I remembered it's not going anywhere.
And here I am. At a bit of a faster jog, beginning to clear the fog, and waiting to see that banner at the end that reads "FINISH LINE." I can't wait to get there, and even if I fall, I'll get back up and go faster when I do.
Panic attacks always sneak up on me at my worst, or even best, times. They randomly hit me, and I deal with them as they come. Like hurdles in the track. It's difficult and sometimes I can't reach, but after trying (*key word here), I will eventually make it over.

The point is, after falling to the worst, anything above seems like the best. Every time I calmed myself down, I would see progress. In myself. I would get a bit better, and I would see a little more light at the end, even if it's so dark around me. Every step forward is a step away from the bottom, and thats what you need to tell yourself. Little progress is still progress.

I know a lot of people who struggle with anxiety, depression, pressure, anything. But these things do not define you. You are you, whatever your name may be. You can't let anchors decide where you stop. You reel 'em in, and keep sailing (have been playing ACV: black flag and I'm pirate crazed).
Don't stop even if you fall and land back at the bottom. It's not getting lower. You just keep climbing those metaphorical stairs until you either fall again, or see a new light that you couldn't see before.

This is not a post about depression, or mental illness. We are all pessimistic sometimes, about a lot of things, but in every person, there is positivity. Every person has the ability to smile. And do so whenever the urge comes. Smile. Smile even if it hurts, because that's another step.
Happiness is not forced, it is chosen. Even if your whole world is black and white, look for a bit of color and stare at that until the whole world is a rainbow! Stay happy, because I couldn't do that while I was dealing with things. It cost me a lot of friends, company, and success. I can't change that, but I can step forward. New friends, New opportunities. You can't turn back time, but you can control your future. You decide whether you will sit in the sun or sit at the bottom of the well.

Don't let failure get you down. Failure is the basis of success. Let yourself fail, and just keep trying.
Don't let go of that passion you have, just because other people don't see it the way you do.
Don't let opportunities of new experiences make you anxious, and just say yes!

It's hard to try when you've spent your whole life giving up, but it's never too late to start. There's a bit of hope living in everyone, and all you have to do is wake it up.

If you have any anxiety, depression, or anything of that nature, I hope this post has helped you, even in the slightest way. Let things go, don't look at the past, look to the brighter future. Little things can't knock you down. And even if they do, you show them they can't break you. Stand up and keep going.
I hope you can take something from this post, and use it for yourself.
Be brave, be confident, and try anything new!
If you try something new with me in mind, let me know by commenting down below!

Everyone deserves to be happy, and feel lighthearted.
Don't let the monster inside you pull you deeper into the well.



Lunafly - "특별한 남자 (Special Guy)" Review

Hi, my loves! This time, we have a review on Lunafly's new song for you all!! I, Cherry, and Krispy will be writing this review for you guys.

So, let's just jump right into it!

The Music/Instrumentals
Cherry: The music is definitely a twist on Lunafly's usual acoustic feel. They strayed a bit from the acoustic genre in their "Fly to Love" album, but even more so in this song. Although it's different, I absolutely love it! They added their own unique touch to the electric music, with some cool beats courtesy of Teo, and some sweet guitar playing from Sam and Yun! The trio didn't disappoint me in the slightest and showed off their ability to mold into different genres instrumentally.
Krispy: I found the feel of this album to be a bit of a breakthrough for Lunafly, to the more mainstream flow of Korean music. They've always done different things, and this album was a bit of a new feel for them. I have the instrumentals, and I like the beats in the background. It did take a little bit to get used to, but it grows on you. 

The Vocals/Rapping
Cherry: The first thing that stood out to me: Yun's falsetto! I was initially really shocked and didn't like it upon my first listen to the song. But after another try at the song, I found that his falsetto suited the unique music. It gives the song a different feel compared to Lunafly's other songs, and gives it an overall funky, cool mood. I also have to applaud Yun, because singing a pleasant falsetto is very difficult, especially for guys who tend to have a lower voice. Other than the falsetto, the three of them sang as they normally would, and Teo even added in a bit of rapping. Their vocals complimented each other and carried out the song rather well. They were also able to showcase their diversity and flexibility in taking on various genres. Sam's unique vocals, Teo's deeper voice, and Yun's smooth singing (falsetto aside) are literally an all-kill for me. (One of my favorite parts is that section with Sam and Yun singing before Miryo's rap.)
Krispy: Always fantastic vocals from these boys. I've always had a thing for vocals, and they never disappoint me. Yun's high notes and falsetto struck me first, and it was kind of new and I liked it! Teo did not have many parts (as usual, honestly), but Sam and Yun are always showing their stunning voices. Teo's rapping was cool, but they are definitely new rappers, so I'm looking forward to a bit of improvement. 

The Lyrics
Cherry: "Welcome to the Lunafly Show." ... Hahaha. Oh gosh, I laughed so hard at first, I had to replay that part to see if I heard it correctly. It was really cute and kind of awkward, but charming at the same time. Now, because I don't understand Korean, I'll be referring to rough translations of the lyrics. In a brief summary, this song is about how a guy likes a girl, yet she's hesitant to get close to him as he wasn't her ideal. He's telling her that he's definitely a "special guy" (hence the name)with charming qualities, and is trying to convince her that if she gets to know him, she'll like him. At the end of the song, he convinces her and they're both "special." That was probably the worst summary ever, but translations are never quite what they should be... haha... ha... Anyway, I didn't really like the lyrics based off of the translation I read because it seemed like a cliché storyline, overused and boring. They flowed very well with the music, but the actual content wasn't all too compelling. It was just another song about unrequited love that becomes requited. Have to say that the lyrics disappointed me a bit compared to Lunafly's previous songs, but I'll just have to wait until I hear the English version to see if it changes my opinion ^^.
Krispy: Same with Cherry^ "Welcome to the Lunafly Show" cracked me up. It was so funny and honestly, very cheesy. They are so awkward and dorky; I just can't see them being.. what is it... "swaggy." All the lyrics and the club scene theme were pretty new. Again, moving into mainstream type music, it was very out of their box, and I found the lyrics pretty generic, honestly. And "Special Guy" is kind of a strange title in my opinion. 

Miryo's Feature
Cherry: I love Miryo, and I really look up to her and the Brown Eyed Girls. Her rapping is very nice to listen to, and suits the Brown Eyed Girls' songs. But in "Special Guy," her voice was completely out of place. The boys had very strong, powerful vocals, and although she has a strong voice, she took on a softer tone. The energy of her rap didn't match up to the rest of the song. Her rap was a bit choppy, as opposed to the smoother flow of the rest of the song. Her lyrics, however, were beautiful and conveyed her ideas very well... except for that last line. "I want a naughty boy, I know you dirty." It is a bit grammatically incorrect, but I'll ignore that part for the meantime. The rest of her rap had a very sweet and romantic tone, i.e.: "making my frozen heart beat again." But that last line totally took a 180 degree turn. I have no idea what compelled her to insert that line right there, but I think she should left it out. Not only does it not relate to her rap, but it just doesn't relate to the entirety of the song either. For Miryo's feature, I did like her lyrics (excluding that last line), but I feel as if they should've had another rapper instead, someone who's voice matched the rest of the song.
Krispy: I, on the other hand, have no prior opinions on BEG, so I was exposed to a completely new face and voice, both of which I was bewildered by. Yes, I am a bit of a critic, seeing how she was... unnecessary. Bit of a publicity stunt, maybe? Maybe it wasn't, we may never know. But she was not exactly a great addition to the song in my opinion. Have respect for her and what she does, and she has undeniable talent, but I can't say she added much to the song. 

Cherry: As someone who doesn't understand Korean, I absolutely love the song. Listening to it without paying much attention to the lyrics allows me to enjoy Lunafly's vocals and instrumentals. Although Miryo didn't suit the song that well, I think it was a good effort on her part, and I love the sunbae - hoobae relationship she has with Lunafly! I feel as if it might've been one of the company's marketing tactics to put her into the song, though; maybe it was to help Lunafly gain a bit more fame because of the Brown Eyed Girls' fame, but that's just a random theory of mine. Based on my perspective and opinions, out of ten, I would give this song an 8 ^-^! I recommend listening to it and giving Lunafly a shot if you haven't listened to their other songs yet.
Krispy: I enjoyed the song, but it definitely wasn't my style. I am not the type to enjoy club-type music, and even when I broaden my horizon, so to speak, I can't say this song is my favorite. I thought it was a great way for Lunafly to get out there a bit with their style, but listening to their previous albums is more suited for me. I congratulate them for finally having a comeback! 

That's about it for our review on Lunafly's "특별한 남자 (Special Guy)"! Hope you guys liked this joint review ^^. If you have any questions, or other opinions about their song that weren't covered in this post, you can comment right below this post. Thanks so much for reading, and we'll see you all soon!
~Cherry and Krispy

P.S: Hey guys, it's Krispy here. 
I feel bad about not posting. Lately, stuff has just been jumbled and I've been dealing with things that I can't share here. I procrastinated and ignored this blog and all of you viewers. I am truly sorry. 
Thank you all for still reading the blog, and if you care to do so, follow/subscribe to us on here or on Instagram, and we'd be happy to share with all of you what we do and what we love. Thanks for sticking around, you beautiful people. <3 

Monday, March 10, 2014

Cherry's Hauls~

Why hello there! I'm Cherry and after a week away from "3 Cups of Tea," I'm back with another haul post! These items were purchased over a stretch of time, and I decided to just couple them together in a quick haul post.


The first items I have here are both from a little Asian makeup store at a local mall. The brand is "It's Skin" and I believe that most of their makeup consists of more natural colors. I decided to try out their eyebrow pencil (which is actually more of a roll out gel) because I've almost finished the one I have, and also because I've never tried an eyebrow pencil that's of a gel texture. I also picked up a lavender blush, which, for any of you who may not know, is quite popular this year as opposed to last year's orange/coral :)

At a different, small makeup store, I purchased a pair of mismatched earrings; one side is a star while the other is a crescent moon. They're gold in color, are made of sterling silver, and have small rhinestones to decorate. And, because I'm such a makeup addict, I also picked up a piece of makeup: the Etude House Tear Drop Liner in White Tear.


I finally bought my first pair of high-waisted shorts from Nordstrom! It's definitely a bit pricey, but the quality is worth it. I also bought a few cropped long sleeves, both from Forever 21. The "ROOKIE" long sleeve has a thicker material better suited for early spring, while the white and black long sleeve has sheer black sleeves and is made of thinner material, better for late spring to early summer.

Also from Forever 21, I bought a black and white, floral sundress that has little brassy gold colored buttons in the front (hard to see in the picture) and a fake leather, thin brown belt. The last piece I got was the "BORED OF YOU" sleeveless top. It's not cropped, but has an uneven hem at the bottom. As you can tell, I'm already diving into spring and early summer shopping :P


Recently, my mind has been filled with outfit ideas that happen to include combat boots. Having never owned a pair, I went to the mall to check some out. On my first visit, I was completely taken by this pair of black, Steve Maddens. I didn't buy them the first time, as I didn't know whether I should really be buying them at the end of winter in California. Before my second visit, I remembered that I was going to the east coast for spring break (where it's frigid cold) and needed a pair of boots. Plus, there would be a number of chances for me to wear them in the spring anyway, considering how awfully bipolar the weather has been lately. So, on my second visit, I purchased these amazing boots~

And that is the conclusion to my collective haul! Hope you enjoyed my post, and thank you so much for reading. If you have any comments, feel free to leave them down below :) I have a second post coming up this week in which I partnered up with Krispy, so please look forward to that! I'll see you all soon ^^.