Thursday, March 27, 2014

TRY [Posts From Krispy]

Hello everyone! ^^ Krispy here.

Foreword: So, here's a post pertaining to what's been going on lately.
Obviously, I haven't been posting lately, and I feel really bad for leaving Cherry to handle everything.
Nikki has also been busy, and it's difficult to dedicate.
But I've been inspired to try.

I realize that trying is the basis of all success.
This means that I can't just be successful. Working for it is the only way to achieve it.
I almost gave up on this blog because it was so much work, and we weren't getting any feed or followers, and I didn't understand what I was doing this for.
But I realized that all the people who blog, post on youtube, they all worked for it. They are all trying, and they didn't just poof into the business, and didn't just become popular overnight.
It's difficult to keep trying, but it is sure as hell possible.

So this is what the post is about: trying.
Trying everything.
New things,
old things,

Maybe not drugs or alcohol, or anything dangerous of the sort, but I mean trying things that you would not usually think about trying!
Be brave, be persistent. Life is about exploration and trying new things. Sometimes, we become so afraid to try because we feel as if we are going to fail. It sucks that something in your head can control what you do in life. You don't know if you're missing something that you could do, or missing an opportunity that would have changed your life. Don't be afraid! Being afraid will never get us anywhere.

Story time: Krispy is about to reveal a thing or two about herself. But it's a secret between us, alright?

I suffer with anxiety issues. To explain this simply, I have random panic attacks and immense constant fear for nearly everything. This does not mean that I am a hermit, and I don't lock myself in my room, but it definitely affects my social life. I am constantly aware of how I look, how other people look, how people react to me, and just everything that happens. It's a pain in the ass, honestly.
And a lot of people suffer with this as well. Anxiety is in everyone, just different levels for different people. After struggling with the side effects of these attacks for years, I decided to stop. Well, I can't just stop, but it all starts from me. The finish line is close, yet far. It just depends on how fast I am willing to run.
So how has anxiety affected me?
Anxiety has affected my decisions. Decisions that range from little things to huge things. I am always all over the place, conflicted within myself and weighing the pros and cons in my head. It is a really big pain to live with, and even seeing help, it still affects me. After countless nights of no sleep because my stomach is brewing with nervousness, or days of panic attacks that just hit me like a brick and kill me for a couple minutes, I was over it. I did not like living with this dumb illness, and I wasted to break it. Of course it isn't so simple, but I started at the beginning, and I started with a slow walk. I took it step by step, and I proceeded forward, wary and wondering who is behind me. After a while, it turned into a slow jog, less wary, but still nervous about the fog around me. Where is the finish line? Couldn't be seen at that point, but it's there, and I remembered it's not going anywhere.
And here I am. At a bit of a faster jog, beginning to clear the fog, and waiting to see that banner at the end that reads "FINISH LINE." I can't wait to get there, and even if I fall, I'll get back up and go faster when I do.
Panic attacks always sneak up on me at my worst, or even best, times. They randomly hit me, and I deal with them as they come. Like hurdles in the track. It's difficult and sometimes I can't reach, but after trying (*key word here), I will eventually make it over.

The point is, after falling to the worst, anything above seems like the best. Every time I calmed myself down, I would see progress. In myself. I would get a bit better, and I would see a little more light at the end, even if it's so dark around me. Every step forward is a step away from the bottom, and thats what you need to tell yourself. Little progress is still progress.

I know a lot of people who struggle with anxiety, depression, pressure, anything. But these things do not define you. You are you, whatever your name may be. You can't let anchors decide where you stop. You reel 'em in, and keep sailing (have been playing ACV: black flag and I'm pirate crazed).
Don't stop even if you fall and land back at the bottom. It's not getting lower. You just keep climbing those metaphorical stairs until you either fall again, or see a new light that you couldn't see before.

This is not a post about depression, or mental illness. We are all pessimistic sometimes, about a lot of things, but in every person, there is positivity. Every person has the ability to smile. And do so whenever the urge comes. Smile. Smile even if it hurts, because that's another step.
Happiness is not forced, it is chosen. Even if your whole world is black and white, look for a bit of color and stare at that until the whole world is a rainbow! Stay happy, because I couldn't do that while I was dealing with things. It cost me a lot of friends, company, and success. I can't change that, but I can step forward. New friends, New opportunities. You can't turn back time, but you can control your future. You decide whether you will sit in the sun or sit at the bottom of the well.

Don't let failure get you down. Failure is the basis of success. Let yourself fail, and just keep trying.
Don't let go of that passion you have, just because other people don't see it the way you do.
Don't let opportunities of new experiences make you anxious, and just say yes!

It's hard to try when you've spent your whole life giving up, but it's never too late to start. There's a bit of hope living in everyone, and all you have to do is wake it up.

If you have any anxiety, depression, or anything of that nature, I hope this post has helped you, even in the slightest way. Let things go, don't look at the past, look to the brighter future. Little things can't knock you down. And even if they do, you show them they can't break you. Stand up and keep going.
I hope you can take something from this post, and use it for yourself.
Be brave, be confident, and try anything new!
If you try something new with me in mind, let me know by commenting down below!

Everyone deserves to be happy, and feel lighthearted.
Don't let the monster inside you pull you deeper into the well.



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