Saturday, March 29, 2014

Asian Superstitions

These superstitions come from Eastern Asia (because if I did all of Asia there would be too many superstitions to cover), so it's mainly Chinese, Korean, and Japanese. I guess if you're a really dedicated Asian, you can keep all of these in mind. xD

1.) If a baby starts crying randomly, watch out for ghosts! (Well, I guess you can't, but...)

2.) Don't clip your nails at night! (Applies to all >.<)

3.) Don't whistle at night (and this goes for Chinese, Japanese, and Korean).

4.) 4 is bad...

5.) Never write your name in red.

6.) Never gift shoes.

7.) If you don't want to turn into a cow, don't lie down after a meal :3.

8.) The luckiest Chinese number is 8!

9.) In order to cure your flu, someone else has to procure it from you.

10.) You can't marry someone with the same surname as you! (Sucks -.-".)

11.) It's unlucky to greet someone in their bedroom.

12.) Don't shake your legs.

13.) The child must eat the last piece of food when an adult and a child are eating together or they'll die.

14.) Don't pee on a worm (lol).

15.) Never jump over a baby :P.

16.) Growing a mustache is bad luck.

17.) Never point at the moon.

18.) Don't keep a turtle as a pet.

19.) Always wear your new shoes in the morning and only in the morning.

20.) Finish all your rice!

21.) Leaving a fan on all night is bad luck!

22.) Don't talk or follow anyone in your dreams that is already dead.

23.) Don't talk about bad dreams before noon.

24.) Don't talk back to someone talking in their sleep.

25.) One sneeze means someones talking well about you. Two sneezes mean that someones talking bad about you. Someone loves you if you sneeze three times, and if you sneeze four times, you have a cold.

26.) If a child loses his/her tooth, you have to toss it to the roof (saw this in Scandal).

27.) Say you take a picture with two other people. Don't stand in the middle cause you will die first.

28.) If the first person you meet on any day is a woman, you'll have good luck! ^^

Credits to all the websites I used! Sorry; I used so many that I forgot to cite them all...


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